viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011


From: Borja []
To: Daniel []
Subject: Hi from Asturiano.

Hi people,

 My names it is Borja. Is an Asturias name for which my parents are Asturias, but my grandmother is Galician his father was from Pontevedra. I live in Native of Avila through a big city in the north of Asturias. I live with my parents. I am nineteen years old and study in the university. I am studying Pedagogy. I am in my first year and re-be sorry I like this.

I am of medium stature and strong complexion, have the blond hair and the blue eyes, sometimes I come footsore to study and to read.

 I am a nice and affectionate person, to whom the people like to help, soil to be entertained and calmed but when I get angry I become very nervous.

 In my free time I like to read and go to the cinema almost all the weekends. I have class every day and work also every morning. Also I am a catechist of children of infantile and English study in the school of languages.

 Up to prompt many kisses.

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